Montana Marijuana Stores Reported $27.7 Million in Sales in October, All-Time Sales Near $1 Billion

Montana marijuana sales saw a slight increase from September to October, though totals for both months were nearly the same.

There was $27,728,562 worth of marijuana sold legally in October, which includes marijuana products such as edibles and concentrates, according to data released by the Montana Department of Revenue. This is nearly identical to the $27,520,406 sold in September. The high this year was $29,716,881 sold in August.

There has now been around $280 million in legal marijuana sold so far this year, bringing all-time sales since January 2022 to $893,601,035.
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Maine: $20.8 Million Worth of Marijuana Sold in October, Over $200 Million So Far in 2024

Legal marijuana sales in Maine experienced a slight drip from September to October, but remained steady at over $20 million.

According to the Maine Office of Cannabis Policy, licensed marijuana stores sold $20,839,409 worth of product, which includes dried marijuana flower as well as a variety of marijuana products including edibles, concentrates and topicals. Sales were spread across 399,729 different transactions.

Total marijuana sales from January 1 to October 31 is now $204,097,715, split across 3,806.690 transactions.
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Study Finds Marijuana Can Improve Fibromyalgia Symptoms

According to a new study being published in the December issue of the journal Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, cannabis use can lead to “an important improvement in pain, quality of life, and sleep habits” among those with fibromyalgia.

Conducted by researchers rom the University of Antioquia in Colombia and the University of Granada in Spain, the study is titled Effectiveness and safety of cannabis-based products for medical use in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: A systematic review. It was also published online by the US National Library of Medicine.

“There is a need to explore pharmacological options for syndrome (FMS), such as medical cannabis”, begins the study’s abstract. “The aim of this systematic review was to synthesize and analyze the available information about the effectiveness/efficacy and safety of cannabis-based products for medical use (CBPMs) and cannabis-based medicines (CBMs), in patients with FMS.”
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WA: $101 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in October, Over $1 Billion Year-to-Date

The legal marijuana industry in Washington State generated over $100 million in sales in October, bringing the year-to-date total to above $1 billion.

There was $101.5 million worth of marijuana and marijuana products, including concentrates, edibles, tinctures and topicals, sold in October in Washington. This is according to data released by the research firm Headset.

Sales for October marked a slight increase from the $98 million sold in September, and it brings the year-to-date total to around $1.1 billion. In 2023, there was $1.25 billion in marijuana sales resulting in over $400 million in taxes. The state is on track to match, or possibly exceed this amount.
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Study Finds Marijuana Use Safe for Patients Undergoing Breast Reduction Surgery

A study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has found that marijuana use does not significantly impact outcomes in breast reduction surgeries.

Conducted by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and NYU Langone, the study aimed to clarify whether marijuana use might influence surgical outcomes or quality of life (QoL) post-surgery, as marijuana use continues to rise nationwide.

The study involved a retrospective review of patients who underwent breast reduction surgeries from 2016 to 2022. Researchers analyzed 415 patients, of whom 140 reported marijuana use. Through propensity score matching, 108 patients were compared (54 marijuana users and 54 nonusers) based on factors such as age, body mass index, and breast tissue mass to ensure similar patient demographics.
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US House: GOP Lawmaker Plans to Refile Marijuana Banking Act in January, “If We Don’t Get it Done by the End of the Year”

Congressmember David P. Joyce (R-OH), who was reelected this week with 64% support, plans to refile the SAFE Banking Act in January, but is holding out hope it could still be approved this year.

In April 2023, Rep. Joyce filed the SAFE (Secure and Fair Enforcement) Banking Act with eight cosponsors. Now, it has 131, more than any other marijuana-related bill in the US Congress. However, the measure is set to expire at the end of the year, as with all other measures filed after January 1 2023.

When asked if Joyce plans to refile SAFE Banking next session (which begins in January), Communications Director Sara Young told us “Yes, we plan to reintroduce if we don’t get it done by the end of the year.”
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Top Drying and Curing Tips to Enhance Marijuana Flower Potency and Flavor


Drying and curing is a critical stage for marijuana cultivators that can make or break the quality of the final product.

Proper drying and curing not only preserves potency and flavor but also improves the safety, shelf life and overall user experience of cannabis flower, cultivation experts told MJBizDaily.

“You can take a really good crop and ruin it really fast with curing and drying,” said Pansey Willcox-Fridley, facilities manager and compliance officer for Green Dragon Extracts in Oregon.
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A Breakdown of Marijuana Election Results Across the United States

In yesterday’s election, numerous marijuana-related proposals were considered on the state and local level: Here’s a breakdown of how each of these proposal faired.

Although November 5 was not a great day for cannabis law reform, with all three recreational marijuana legalization measures being denied by voters, there were some bright spots. With that said, below is a breakdown of the 2024 election.
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Kentucky: Over 100 Cities and Counties Approve Ordinance to Allow Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Over 100 cities and counties in Kentucky have officially approved ordinances allowing medical marijuana dispensaries.

In last night’s election, 106 cities and counties approved medical marijuana initiatives. Not a single city or county rejected the proposal.

The ordinances provide guidelines for dispensaries, cultivation centers, and other medical cannabis facilities. Kentucky’s medical marijuana law, signed by Governor Andy Beshear in 2023, allows patients diagnosed with conditions like cancer, chronic pain, epilepsy, PTSD, and multiple sclerosis to possess and use marijuana products with a doctor’s supervision. The law establishes a regulated system of medical marijuana dispensaries, with cities and counties given the option to opt out through a public vote.

State regulations prohibit smoking cannabis but allow its use in forms such as oils, edibles, and vaporizers. The Kentucky Department for Alcoholic Beverage Control oversees licensing and the regulatory framework for production, processing, and retail distribution, ensuring safe and legal access for qualifying patients.
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Oregon Voters Approve Marijuana Union Initiative

Voters in Oregon have given approval to the United for Cannabis Workers Act, put forth by United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 555.

Once Measure 119 takes effect, it will guarantee cannabis industry workers the right to organize and bargain collectively. Although joining a union would be optional, this proposal would provide legal protections for those choosing to do so.

“Workers across every industry should have the freedom to unionize if they so choose”, says Dan Clay, President, UFCW Local 555. “This ballot measure closes an age-old loophole that deprives that right to thousands of Oregon cannabis workers. Shady cannabis tycoons have taken advantage of an outdated law to strip workers’ rights that are guaranteed to nearly every other American. By passing Measure 119, voters will enshrine the freedom to unionize in the Oregon Cannabis industry.”
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