South Dakota: $458,000 Raised in Support of Marijuana Legalization Initiative, $457,000 Raised in Opposition

The amount of money raised in support of legalizing marijuana in South Dakota is nearly identical to the amount raised by opponents.

South Dakota voters are set to consider recreational marijuana legalization on Tuesday with Measure 29, which would allow those 21 and older to possess up to two ounces of marijuana and grow up to 12 plants for personal use while outlining a regulatory framework for marijuana businesses. According to state data, the amount of money raised by both opponents and proponents of the initiative is almost identical, $458,000 to $457,000.

In the lead-up to the November vote, the Yes on 29 Ballot Committee reported raising $436,000, with $300,000 originating from within the marijuana industry. Contributions included $100,000 from GL Partners Inc., a medical marijuana dispensary in Rapid City. The Moyle family, owners of Moyle Petroleum Company, contributed $100,100, while HomeSlice Media donated $55,000 in services and cash. Additionally, the Marijuana Policy Project and a California-based cannabis mapping firm contributed $37,000 and $30,000, respectively.
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Over $210 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in Ohio Since August 7

Since launching recreational marijuana sales on August 7, Ohio’s marijuana market has recorded a combined $210,831,599 in total sales.

Recreational sales make up the largest portion, totaling $131,813,130 across 1,720,152 transactions, while the medical marijuana sector added $79,018,469 through 832,709 purchases, as of October 26. The steady sales growth illustrates strong demand in both markets as consumers adjust to the newly legalized recreational sector.

Marijuana prices in Ohio have fallen significantly since recreational sales began, reports the Ohio’s Division of Cannabis Control (DCC). The average price per gram is now $7.67, down from an average of nearly $10 per gram on August 7. This decline may reflect increased market stability as supply chains and pricing adapt to the influx of consumers.
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These Ten Marijuana Strains Are the Most Popular in Legal Marijuana States Right Now

With marijuana legal in 24 states, certain strains have risen to prominence, captivating users with their unique effects, flavors, and potency.


There are hundreds of different marijuana strains available throughout the legal marijuana market, but some are far more popular than others.

Drawing insights from state regulatory data and popular cannabis platforms like Leafly, here are the top 10 strains most sought-after in legal marijuana states as of November 2024.
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Here Are the States With the Cheapest Legal Marijuana Prices

Recreational marijuana is legal in 24 states, which could jump to 27 after the November 5 election. In these states, average marijuana prices vary greatly.

Due to a variety of reasons —state and local regulations and tax rates, for example— prices vary substantially among the legal marijuana states. With that in mind, in this article we breakdown the states with the cheapest average marijuana prices, using data supplied by state regulatory agencies.

Below are are the legal marijuana states with the cheapest average price per gram of dried flower:
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Rhode Island Legal Marijuana Sales Almost $10 Million in October, $100 Million in 2024

According to the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulations, legal marijuana stores and dispensaries sold a combined $9.79 million in product for the month of October.

Recreational marijuana made up the majority, with $7.97 million in sales, while medical marijuana patients accounted for $1.82 million. These figures represent consistent demand, bringing the year-to-date total for marijuana sales to $98,217,904.

Since the state’s first licensed recreational marijuana store opened in late 2022, Rhode Island has seen an all-time total of $135,447,702 in sales.
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Study Finds 89% of Americans Support Legalizing Supervised Psilocybin Use

A new study published in AJOB Neuroscience reveals that most Americans support psilocybin use under supervision, with broad bipartisan backing for both mental health treatment and general well-being enhancement.

Dried psilocybin mushrooms (photo credit: Shutterstock).

Psilocybin, the psychedelic compound found in “magic mushrooms”, remains classified as a Schedule I substance in the U.S., making it illegal for all uses, despite numerous studies indicating its medical value.

This new study, titled “Strong Bipartisan Support for Controlled Psilocybin Use as Treatment or Enhancement in a Representative Sample of US Americans: Need for Caution in Public Policy Persists,” surveyed 795 Americans aged 18 to 92. The researchers aimed to gauge public opinion amid recent policy changes, such as Oregon’s move to legalize licensed psilocybin use.
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Oregon: $79.5 Million in Marijuana Sold in October, Over $7 Billion Since 2015, Price Hits All-Time Low

There was nearly $80 million in marijuana sold legally in October throughout Oregon, bringing the all-time total to above $7 billion.

There was exactly $79,544,768 worth of marijuana and marijuana products sold in Oregon in October, according to data released by the state’s Liquor and Cannabis Commission. This marks a slight increase from the $78,565,729 worth of marijuana sold legally in August and the $78.7 million sold in October 2023.

Oregon legalized recreational marijuana in 2014, with licensed retail outlets opening the following year. Since then, the state has sold $7.02 billion in marijuana legally, resulting in around $1.2 billion in tax revenue.
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The Most Popular Sativa-Dominant Marijuana Strains in the U.S. As of November 2024

For those seeking an uplifting, energizing experience, sativa-dominant marijuana strains are often the preferred choice.

Tropicana Cookies.

Known for their stimulating effects, these strains are ideal for daytime use, creativity, and social settings, in contrast to indica-dominant strains that are more known for relaxing, painkilling effects.

With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of the most popular sativa-dominant strains as of November 2024, using data compiled by state regulatory agencies and Leafly, which tracks strain reviews and popularity.
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Gallup Poll: 47% of Americans Have Consumed Marijuana, 68% Support Legalization

 Fifteen percent of Americans report they smoke marijuana, according to new Gallup polling.

The percentage of U.S. adults who report they smoke marijuana has more than doubled since 2013, when Gallup first added the question to its annual Consumption Habits survey. That year, 7% said they smoke it.

Marijuana use varies significantly by gender, age and other respondent characteristics:
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New Mexico: $440 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold So Far in 2024, Including $46 Million in October

In New Mexico, licensed marijuana stores sold over $46 million worth of product in October.

According to the New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department, there was $46,821,699.23 worth of marijuana sold in October, spread across 1,180,263 different transactions. This bring the year-to-date total for marijuana sales to around $440 million.

All-time sales are now $1,361,057,802.03, spread across 29,705,041 different transactions.
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