Arkansas: $251 Million in Medical Marijuana (45,677 Pounds) Sold This Year, $29.4 Million in Taxes Garnered

According to new data released by state officials, there was over a quarter of a billion dollars worth of medical marijuana and medical marijuana products sold in the state so far in 2022.

According to the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, medical marijuana patients spent $23.2 million on medical marijuana in November. In total patients purchased 4,489 pounds of medical marijuana from 38 dispensaries. This brings the total between January, 2022 and November to $251 million spent on 45,677 pounds of medical marijuana

“Medical marijuana card holders have spent $251.7 million in 2022 to obtain 45,677 pounds,” says Scott Hardin, spokesperson for the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration “This will certainly be the largest year for sales since the industry launched in 2019.”

Hardin states that “Sales for the year should be close to $275 million by the end of this month.”

According to Hardin, the state has collected $29.4 million in medical marijuana tax revenue in 2022.


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