Missouri Bill Would Require Public Colleges and Universities to Allow Medical Marijuana Use

Legislation filed in Missouri would require colleges and universities that receive public funding to allow medical marijuana use on campus grounds.

House Bill 687 was filed by State Representative Adrian Plank in January. Yesterday it finally received a committee assignment: it’s been assigned to the House Higher Education Committee.

“Each public institution of higher education supported by state funds shall allow students to use marijuana or marijuana-infused products for medicalvuse as authorized by state law on each campus of such institution”, states the official text of the bill.

The measure states that “The department of higher education and workforce development may promulgate all necessary rules and regulations for the administration of this section.”

Any rule or portion of a rule, “as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028.”

This section and chapter 536 are “nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2023, shall be invalid and void.”

The full text can be found by clicking here.

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