New Mexico Legal Marijuana Industry Employs Nearly 5,000 People

According to a new report by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, despite marijuana only being legal since 2021, the marijuana industry already employs thousands of people in the state.

The report found that as of the end of 2022, the state’s cannabis industry employed more than 4,600 workers, with 88% of those workers employed at a marijuana store or dispensary. With it already being June, 2023, these numbers are likely even higher now.

The report shows that there are 112 marijuana retailers in New Mexico, 21 growers, 10 manufactures, four wholesale traders and four who fall in the miscellaneous category (testing, etc.).

According to the report growers comprised 3.7% of workers in the marijuana industry, manufacturers account for 3% of all workers, wholesale traders account for 2.6% and all other categories account for 2.4%. The remaining over 88% of marijuana workers are employed by marijuana stores.

Those working in the marijuana industry made an average of $560 a week, or $2,240 a month. This was noticeably higher than the accommodation and food service category, with the average being $474 a week or $1,896 a month.

The full report can be found by clicking here.

According to the New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department, there was $47.7 million in total marijuana sales in May, coming from 1,013,476 different transactions.

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