Oregon: Legal Marijuana Stores Sold Over $80 Million in Marijuana in June

Licensed marijuana retail outlets sold over $80 million worth of marijuana and marijuana products in June.

There was $80,347,877 in legal marijuana sold in June in Oregon, an increase from the $79 million sold in May and on par with the $80.7 million an d $81 million sold in April and March. This is according to the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC).

Based on the state’s 17% marijuana tax rate, the state garnered $13.6 million in tax revenue from legal marijuana sales in June alone. This does not include tax revenue garnered via citywide marijuana taxes.

The average price per gram of marijuana is now at an all-time low of $3.79 per gram for dried marijuana. The price per gram of marijuana concentrates is $16.66.

Total sales-to-date since the start of recreational marijuana sales in October, 2016 now stands at $5.75 billion, resulting in nearly one billion dollars in tax revenue.

The $80 million sold in June was spread out as follows:

  • Usable (dried) marijuana: $39.4 million
  • Concentrates/Extracts: $19.4 million
  • Edibles/Ticntures: $10.9 Million
  • Other products: $10 million

Oregon’s marijuana law was approved by voters in 2014, with the first marijuana store opening in 2016. Under the law those 21 and older are allowed to possess up to two ounces of marijuana, or eight ounces at home, as well as one ounce of marijuana extracts, 16 ounces of marijuana-infused solids and 72 ounces of marijuana-infused liquids.

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