Minnesota Officials Announce Rulemaking Process and Timeline for Legal Marijuana Industry

Officials in Minnesota have announced the rulemaking process and timeline for the legal marijuana industry.

At a public informational meeting held by the Office of Cannabis Management, the group announced a specific timeline and rulemaking process for the legal marijuana industry. If the timeline holds, it looks like Minnesota will see its first legal recreational marijuana stores open sometime in the Spring or Summer of 2025. This is in line with what was anticipated by proponents of the new law.

“This is really a unique opportunity for us to assess the business needs, to evaluate the authorities that the legislature and the governor have given to the Office of Cannabis Management and then to meet those business needs in a way that really helps us ensure the success of the cannabis industry in Minnesota,” said Charlene Briner, an implementation director for the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM). The OCM has yet to hire its primary director.

According to the meeting, the OCM’s Rulemaking Process and Estimated Timeline goes as follows:

  • Drafting of Rules: Fall 2023 Fall 2024 Outreach and Collaboration: Beginning Fall 2023
    • Ongoing conversations with stakeholders and general public throughout drafting process
    • Inform and consuit with public and experts; solicit feedback to improve finished rules
  • Coordination with Minnesota Revisor of Statutes: Fall/Winter 2024
  • Notice of intent to Adopt Publication: Late 2024
  • Public written comment period: may submit comments for 30 days following NOI publication
  • Approval by ALI: within 14 days after submission by OCM
  • Publication of Notice of Adoption (rules become effective): Spring 2025

The portion of Minnesota’s marijuana law that allows marijuana to be legally possessed and cultivated went into effect on August 1. Although the first state-licensed marijuana store isn’t expected to open until 2025, two tribal marijuana stores are already open to everyone 21 and older.

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