Study: 17% of Pediatric Patients With Cerebral Palsy Use CBD, For Some It Improves Emotional Health, Spasticity, and Pain

Nearly one in ever five pediatric patients with cerebral palsy use the marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD) to help combat symptoms of the ailment, according to a new study published in the journal Orthopedics.

For the study, researchers at Stanford University conducted a survey of caregivers who have children with cerebral palsy (CP) regarding their use of CBD products.

“Cannabidiol (CBD)-containing supplements are used by children with cerebral palsy (CP), but the prevalence and efficacy of their use have not been studied”, states the study. “We sought to describe CBD use patterns and perceived efficacy in the pediatric population with CP, evaluating any association between CBD use and health-related quality of life.”

16.8% of respondents said that their children has consumed CBD, with the primary reasons being for the alleviation of spasticity (29%), anxiety (22.6%), and pain (also 22.6%). A large majority said that their children experienced no adverse effects from the use of CBD.

“Fifty percent of the patients in the CBD+ group underwent surgery in the previous 2 years and most endorsed a general benefit in the postoperative setting”, states the study.

Researchers state that “CBD may serve as a useful adjunct for some children with CP, especially those with worse disease severity.” They note that “caregivers perceive CBD as offering some benefits, particularly in the domains of emotional health, spasticity, and pain. We found no evidence of severe adverse events in our small cohort. “

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