Poll: 57% of Likely Ohio Voters Plan to Vote Yes on Issue 2 to Legalize Marijuana

With early voting underway and less than three weeks to go until the November 7 election, a Baldwin Wallace University Ohio Pulse Poll shows strong support for a ballot initiative that would legalize recreational marijuana.

The BW Community Research Institute (BW CRI) survey asked Ohioans for their opinions on a variety of issues, including Issue 2, an initiative on the November ballot that would make marijuana legal for everyone 21 and older.

The poll found that 57% said they plan to vote “yes” on Issue 2, with 35% planning to vote “no” and just 7% undecided.

“Majorities across most demographic groups support Issue 2, including 66% of Democrats, 50% of Republicans, 59% of independents, 70% of parents and 71% of respondents ages 18-49”, states a press release from Baldwin Wallace University. “Almost half of self-identified evangelicals (47%) and respondents age 50 and older (47%) support Issue 2.”

If passed into law, Issue 2 would legalize the personal possession of up to two and a half ounces of dried cannabis, and up to 15 grams of marijuana concentrates. Licensed marijuana retail outlets, overseen by a newly-created Division of Cannabis Control, would be allowed to sell a variety of marijuana and marijuana products.

Issue 2 would also allow those 21 and older to grow up to six marijuana plants at a private residence, or up to 12 plants per household if more than one person is living there.

The BW CRI Ohio Pulse Poll including 850 registered voters (750 identified as likely voters) and was conducted between 10/09/2023 and 10/11/2023. SurveyUSA administered the survey.

Last week the full Ohio Senate has passed a resolution encouraging voters to reject an initiative to legalize recreational marijuana that will be voted on next month.

Polling released in August by Fallon Research & Communications found that 59% of Ohio voters support legalizing marijuana, and a separate poll released last month by FM3 Research found that support for marijuana legalization among likely Ohio voters was even higher at 67%.

According to a recently released report, the state could gain up to $403 million in new tax revenue from the legal distribution of marijuana and marijuana products to those 21 and older.

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