South Dakota: Second Marijuana Legalization Initiative Filed

An initiative to legalize recreational marijuana in South Dakota has been filed with the secretary of state, the second such initiative this year.

In September South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley approved the final summary language for an initiative to legalize marijuana that proponents are hoping to put to a vote in 2024. Now a separate legalization initiative has been filed, with proponents also hoping to put the issue before voters in 2024.

The newly filed initiative would allow those 21 and older to possess up to three ounces of marijuana and up to 24 grams of concentrates, while also allowing them to grow up to six marijuana plants. The initiative filed earlier this year would similiarly apply to those 21+ and would allow for the cultivation of up to six plants, but it would legalize two ounces of dried marijuana instead of three, and it would allow for less marijuana concentrates.

Both measures would allow marijuana to be sold through licensed marijuana retail outlets.

Advocates of both initiatives are required to collect 17,509 valid signatures from registered South Dakota voters to qualify for the 2024 general election ballot. The deadline to submit the signatures is May 7, 2024.

In South Dakota medical marijuana was legalized in 2020. A recreational marijuana legalization initiative made the 2022 ballot; although it was rejected it received the support of 47% of voters.

You can find the full text of the newest initiative by clicking here.

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