In Maryland There Was $89.6 Million in Marijuana Sold Legally in November

There was just shy of $90 million worth of legal marijuana and marijuana products sold in November in Maryland.

According to the Maryland Cannabis Administration, there was exactly $89,670,575 in marijuana sold legally through licensed retail outlets in November, almost identical to the $89,997,762 sold in October. Sales data includes the legal distribution of dried marijuana flower and shake as well as marijuana concentrates, edibles, tinctures, topicals and vape products.

$55,995,498 of these sales were purchased by recreational consumers, with the remaining $33,675,077 purchased by medical marijuana patients.

Although total sales were down slightly between October and November, recreational marijuana sales actually saw a slight increase of around $880k.

A large majority of the marijuana sold was dried flower at over $54 million, followed by marijuana concentrates at $24 million and infused edibles at $6 million.

Maryland voters legalized marijuana via the initiative process during the November, 2022 election. The law allows those 21 and older to possess up to 1.5 ounces of marijuana, 12 grams of marijuana concentrates and marijuana edibles infused with up to 750 mg of THC. The first licensed marijuana store opened July 1.

Regulations for the marijuana industry is overseen by the Maryland Cannabis Administration, with the Division of Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement tasked with reviewing, approving and issuing licenses for marijuana businesses.

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