Legislation to Legalize Marijuana Filed in Kentucky Legislature

Legislation that would legalize marijuana for all uses has been filed in Kentucky.

House Bill 72 was filed yesterday by State Representative Nima Kulkarni (D), and it’s been assigned to the House Committee on Committees.

The proposed law states that a person 21 and older who “possesses, traffics, or cultivates a personal use quantity of cannabis shall not be subject to any penalty for that activity.” It states that “Possession, trafficking, or cultivation of a personal use quantity of cannabis under this section shall not be considered a criminal offense.”

In addition, the measure would make it so that “No person shall be subject to arrest for possession, trafficking, or cultivation of a personal use quantity of cannabis.”

The measure defines a “personal use quantity” of marijuana as one ounce of dried marijuana flower, five grams of marijuana concentrates and marijuana products containing 1,000 milligrams or less of THC. For cultivation the limit would be five plants.

Under the bill if a person has been released on probation, parole, conditional release, or other form of release and is subject to conditions of supervision, “then the possession, trafficking, or cultivation of a personal use quantity of cannabis shall not constitute grounds for revocation or other sanctions.”

You can find the full text of House Bill 72 by clicking here.

In March of last year, Governor Andy Beshea signed into law legislation that legalizes the possession and use of marijuana by those with a qualifying medical condition who receive a recommendation from a physician or advanced practice registered nurse.

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