Poll: 65% of New Hampshire Residents Support Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

According to new polling release by the University of New Hampshire, a strong majority of adults living in the state support legalizing recreational marijuana.

Six in 10 New Hampshire residents support a bill to legalize recreational marijuana that was recently tabled by the New Hampshire House of Representatives, finds the new Granite State Poll. About two-thirds of state residents support marijuana legalization in some form.

“Despite broad public support, a bipartisan compromise to legalize recreational marijuana in the state was tabled by the New Hampshire House of Representatives, effectively killing the bill for this legislative session”, states a press release from the university. “Two-thirds (65%) of Granite Staters strongly (45%) or somewhat (20%) support legalizing marijuana for recreational use, 19% are strongly (11%) or somewhat (8%) opposed, 15% are neutral on the issue, and less than 1% are unsure.”

Support for legalizing marijuana for recreational use (65%) has fallen slightly since May 2023 (72%), largely driven by a fall in support among self-identified Independents (-12 percentage points) and Republicans (-8). Large majorities of self-described socialists (97%) and progressives (95%) and most libertarians (76%), liberals (72%), and moderates (66%) support legalizing marijuana for recreational use, but only 41% of conservatives agree.

The Granite State Poll has a margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2.8%. For more information, click here.

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