U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has introduced the Hemp Economic Mobilization Plan (HEMP) Act, in an attempt to to address hemp farmers’ concerns “with federal overreach and bring clarity, transparency, and certainty to regulation”.

Hemp plants.
The HEMP Act amends the definition of “hemp” from 0.3 percent THC to 1 percent THC. It also requires testing of hemp-derived products rather than the hemp flower or plant itself. Additionally, to help prevent legal hemp from being seized during transport, the bill requires that hemp shipments be accompanied by one of two easily accessible types of documentation.
“For years, I’ve led the fight in Washington to restore one of Kentucky’s most historically vital crops by legalizing industrial hemp”, said Senator Paul. “We achieved a hard-won victory, but there is still work to do to prevent the federal government from weighing down our farmers with unnecessary bureaucratic micromanaging. My legislation will help this growing industry reach its full economic potential and bring transparency to government regulations”.
This legislation “creates transparency and certainty by defining a margin of error in hemp testing and provides real solutions to help Kentucky hemp farmers and processors”, according to a press release.
The HEMP Act amends the definition of “hemp” from 0.3 percent THC to 1 percent THC. It also requires testing of hemp-derived products rather than the hemp flower or plant itself. Additionally, to help prevent legal hemp from being seized during transport, the bill requires that hemp shipments be accompanied by one of two easily accessible types of documentation.
“Dr. Paul is proud to be a leading voice for removing government restrictions on hemp, including championing legislation, testifying before the Kentucky legislature, and advocating for Kentucky farmers in Washington. This legislation ensures Kentucky can rebuild its hemp industry and push forward to a prosperous future”, states the press release.
You can read Dr. Paul’s HEMP Act by clicking here.