Survey: 70% of Indiana Voters Support Marijuana Legalization, Including Majority of Republicans

A new survey reveals that approximately 70% of Indiana voters support legalizing marijuana for adults 21 and older.

The survey, conducted by Causeway Solutions, asked registered voters in the state two key questions: whether they favor legalizing marijuana for adults and how a state legislator’s support for legalization would influence their vote.

The findings indicate that support spans political affiliations. Among Republicans, 58% back legalization, with 70% of independent voters and nearly 90% of Democrats expressing the same stance. Geographically, 70% of suburban voters and 63% of rural voters voiced support for legalization efforts.

The survey also highlighted how marijuana policy impacts voter preferences. A majority across all party lines—Republicans, Democrats, and independents—said they are more inclined to support a legislator who votes in favor of legalization.

Only 16% of respondents stated they would be less likely to back a legislator advocating for marijuana legalization.

In Indiana, marijuana possession laws are strict, with penalties escalating based on the amount and prior offenses. Possession of any amount of marijuana is classified as a misdemeanor, carrying a penalty of up to 180 days in jail and a fine of $1,000. Individuals with a prior drug offense found with less than 30 grams face harsher consequences—a potential one-year jail term and a $5,000 fine. Possession of 30 grams or more with a prior drug offense is treated as a felony, punishable by six months to two and a half years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

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