Of the Five Statewide Marijuana Initiatives on the November Ballot, Polls Show Four Likely to Pass

This November, voters in five states—North Dakota, South Dakota, Florida, Arkansas, and Nebraska—will decide on various marijuana initiatives. Polls indicate that four out of these five measures are likely to pass.

According to recent polling, all but North Dakota have enough support for their marijuana initiatives to be passed into law. This, of course, doesn’t mean that North Dakota won’t vote to legalize, it just means that there may be more work to be done in the coming months than in some of the other states.

Here’s a look at the five states with marijuana initiatives set to be considered this November, and where they stand in the polls.

North Dakota

North Dakota’s initiative, sponsored by the nonprofit political committee New Economic Frontier, aims to legalize recreational marijuana. If approved, adults 21 and older could possess up to one ounce of marijuana, four grams of marijuana concentrates, and 1,500 milligrams of cannabinoid products, including 300 milligrams in edible form. Personal cultivation of up to three plants would also be permitted, as would licensed marijuana retail outlets.

Although a recent poll show only 43% support for the initiative, with 57% opposed, it was able to meet the signature requirement to be placed on the ballot in less than two months, giving supporters hope that additional campaigning could sway voters in the coming months.

South Dakota

South Dakota’s Measure 29 proposes to legalize recreational marijuana for adults 21 and older, permitting possession of up to one ounce and cultivation of three plants. Previous efforts in 2020 and 2022 faced legal and voter turnout challenges, but this year’s initiative appears promising. Recent polling indicates 45% support, with 42% opposition, suggesting a close vote and a considerable percentage of undecided voters.


Florida’s Amendment 3 seeks to legalize recreational marijuana, allowing adults to possess up to three ounces of dried marijuana flower and five grams of concentrates. The campaign for Amendment 3, Smart & Safe Florida, has seen significant financial backing, raising over $60 million. Polls from the University of North Florida and Fox News show strong support at 67% and 69%, respectively, well above the 60% needed for a constitutional amendment.


In Arkansas, the initiative aims to expand the existing medical marijuana program to include home cultivation and remove the retail prohibition on smokeable products. Additionally, it seeks to legalize recreational marijuana contingent upon federal rescheduling. Supporters are confident, having nearly reached the signature requirement for ballot inclusion, with one recent poll finding support for the measure to be above 60%.


Nebraska’s medical marijuana initiative, spearheaded by Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana, is focused on legalizing cannabis for medical use. The proposal includes provisions for patients to obtain marijuana with a doctor’s recommendation and protections for doctors. Polls indicate robust support, with 70% of voters in favor of medical marijuana legalization.

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