Massachusetts Lawmakers Hold Hearing on Bill Allowing Medical Marijuana at Schools

Massachusetts’ Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy held a hearing yesterday to discuss legislation that would allow students who are authorized to use medical marijuana to use the medicine on school premises.

Filed by Senator Susan Moran, Senate Bill 59 was introduced in February. Seven months later, it has finally received a hearing in the Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy.

Senator Moran during the hearing called this an “incredibly important” issue.

“Since medical marijuana use was legalized in 2012, thousands of patients across the commonwealth have been able to effectively utilize treatment under proper medical supervision”, said Senator Moran. “This includes school-age children, many of whom medical marijuana treatment has enabled to live more easily in their conditions”.

The bill’s text states:

Section 2 of chapter 94G of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2020 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting, after the word “facility”, in line 41, the following:

“provided, however, that this paragraph shall not apply to possession or consumption of medical use marijuana as defined in chapter 94I; or (4) authorize the possession or consumption of marijuana or marijuana accessories”.

Earlier this month the Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy advanced a bill that would add PTSD and opioid-use disorder to the state’s list of qualifying medical marijuana conditions.

In August there was $158 million in legal marijuana purchased in Massachusetts, a new monthly record. $19 million of this was purchased by medical marijuana patients.

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