Anthony Martinelli is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Marijuana Herald, a daily marijuana news and information website that launched in 2018. You can reach Anthony at [email protected].
Author's posts
Jan 02 2024
Oregon: $81 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in December, $950 Million for the Year
In Oregon there was over $80 million in marijuana sold through legal outlets in December. According to the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission, licensed marijuana stores sold $81,332,264 worth of marijuana and marijuana products in December. This is a roughly $5 million increase over the previous month, and a $2 million increase over the previous …
Jan 02 2024
Survey Finds 79% of Military Veterans Want Expanded Access to Medical Marijuana
According to a new survey, a strong majority of military veterans support expanding access to medical marijuana. According to the new Ohio State University survey, published by the Social Science Research Network, 79% of veterans want federal law to be amended so that Veterans Affairs doctors are legally authorized to prescribe medical marijuana to their …
Jan 02 2024
New Colorado Law Requires Marijuana Products to Have Use-By Dates
A law requiring marijuana products to have use-by dates took effect this week. As of January 1, all marijuana products sold through licensed retail outlets in Colorado must include “use-by” dates that indicate when the product is nine months old and should no longer be consumed if it’s past that point. The new requirement was …
Jan 02 2024
Washington State Law Preventing Employers From Refusing to Hire Marijuana Users Now in Effect
Legislation designed to end discriminatory hiring practices against those who use marijuana during their personal time officially took effect yesterday. Senate Bill 5123, filed by Senator Karen Keiser, passed the House of Representatives and Senate in April, with the votes being 56 to 41 and 30 to 18 respectively. The measure, signed into law by …
Jan 01 2024
New Mexico: Legal Marijuana Sales Pass $45 Million for 10th Straight Month
For the 10th straight month legal marijuana sales in New Mexico passed $45 million. According to data released today by the New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department, there was exactly $50,466,985.89 worth of legal marijuana and marijuana products sold in New Mexico in December. This is a noticeable increase over the $46.5 million sold in …
Jan 01 2024
Two California Laws Protecting Marijuana Users Now Officially In Effect
Laws designed to protect marijuana consumers who are seeking employment and those who are already employed officially took effect today in California. Two separate pieces of legislation designed to end workplace discrimination against those who use marijuana off-the-job both took effect today, January 1, in California. Senate Bill 700 makes it unlawful “for an employer …
Jan 01 2024
DEA Seeks Large Increase in Production of THC, Psilocybin and DMT in 2024
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has announced that they are calling for a large increase in the production of several federally illegal substances in order to facilitate more research. In a legally required post on the Federal Register, the DEA says it is seeking large increases in the production quotas for several substances for medical …
Dec 29 2023
Alabama Judge Temporarily Blocks Licenses for Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
A judge has placed a temporary hold preventing Alabama officials from issuing licenses to medical marijuana dispensaries. Montgomery County Circuit Judge James Anderson on Thursday issued a temporary restraining order legally preventing the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission from issuing licenses medical marijuana companies. The licenses will remain on hold until the judge has a chance …
Dec 29 2023
US House Bill to Protect State Marijuana Laws and Allow Interstate Commerce Gets New Committee Assignment
The Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States (STATES) Act has received a new subcommittee assignment. Earlier this month a bipartisan group of lawmakers refiled the STATES Act, a bill that would explicitly allow states to legalize marijuana without fear of federal repercussions, while also allowing interstate commerce between legal marijuana states. The measure would …
Dec 29 2023
New York Bill Would Prohibit Some Marijuana Stores From Opening Until One Hour After Schools Start
Newly filed legislation would make it so that no marijuana store could open “until one hour after the latest beginning of a school day of any school located within one mile of such adult-use dispensing facility”. Assembly Bill 8472 was filed today by Assemblymember Eddie Gibbs, and swiftly assigned to the Economic Development Committee. “No …