Category: News

Vermont House Passes Bill Doubling THC Limit for Medical Marijuana Products, Among Other Changes

Vermont legislation to that would make several changes to the state’s medical marijuana program, including doubling the cap on THC for marijuana products, has been passed by the full House of Representatives. The full House passed House Bill 270 last week, which was filed by State Representatives Matt Birong and Mike McCarthy. The proposal has …

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Arkansas House Votes 82 to 5 to Establish Gun Rights for Medical Marijuana Patients

Legislation to codify gun rights for medical marijuana patients and caregivers has been passed by Arkansas’ full House of Representative. The House voted 82 to 5 today to pass House Bill 1784, filed by State Representative Aaron Pilkington. The vote sends the measure to the Senate. Passage in the Senate would put it on the …

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Oregon Committee Approves Marijuana Bill

A House committee in Oregon has voted in favor of legislation that would direct the Liquor and Cannabis Commission to make changes to the state’s recreational marijuana law. Filed by State Representative John Lively, House Bill 2516 directs the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) “to adopt rules to allow small-scale marijuana producers to sell …

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635,961 Valid Signatures Collected to Put Florida Marijuana Legalization Initiative to a Vote

A Florida campaign to put a marijuana legalization initiative on the 2024 general election ballot has submitted over 635,000 signatures from registered voters. According to the Florida Division of Elections as of the end of March the Smart & Safe Florida campaign has submitted 635,961 valid signatures, just 255,628 short of the amount required to …

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Minnesota Marijuana Legalization Bill Passed by Another Senate Committee

Legislation to legalize recreational marijuana for everyone 21 and older has now been passed by a dozen Senate committees. Today the Senate Rules and Administration Committee voted to pass SF 73, making their committee the 12th to do so. The marijuana legalization bill is sponsored by Senator Lindsey Port, with a companion bill in the …

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Washington House Committee Passes Psilocybin Bill

Legislation to create a task force designed to research psilocybin and create a pathway to full legalization while establishing a pilot program for supervised psilocybin use has been passed by a key House committee in Washington State. The House Appropriations Committee has voted in favor of 2nd Substitute Senate Bill 5263 (23 to 8), filed …

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Connecticut Dismisses Over 1,500 Pending Marijuana Cases

Connecticut officials have moved to dismiss charges in over 1,500 marijuana cases. Chief State’s Attorney Patrick J. Griffin’s prosecutors reviewed around 4,000 pending drug-possession cases and decided to dismiss 1,562 of them, all related to marijuana charges. “It has been the shared position of this committee and the division that persons charged with a possession …

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Massachusetts: Price of Marijuana Down Almost 50% Since Start of Legal Sales in 2018

According to data released by the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission, the price per gram of legal marijuana as of February was $7.12, a new all-time low. The $7.12 average is a 49.4% decrease from the $14.09 average at the start of legal recreational marijuana sales in December, 2018. This is lower than the $7.61 average …

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New York Approves 99 New Licenses for Marijuana Stores

Officials in New York have announced the distribution of 99 new provisional licenses for recreational marijuana stores. Despite New York legalizing recreational marijuana in 2021, there is currently just seven licensed marijuana stores open. This was largely due to a court ruling that halted license distribution in many regions. However, just days after the U.S. …

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Study: Hemp Seed May Reduce Copper Toxicity, Has “Therapeutic Role” in Animal Feed

Hemp seed supplementation “showed significant improved results against copper toxicity” and “could be recommended as an animal feed ingredient for its therapeutic role”, according to new research. The research is being published in the May, 2023 issue of the journal Biological Trace Element Research, with the abstract epublished online ahead of print by the National …

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