Oregon Governor Kate Brown announced today that she has issued pardons to everyone caught possessing up to an ounce of marijuana prior to its legalization in 2016. The pardons will remove 47,144 convictions for possession of a small amount of marijuana from individual records, eliminating barriers for thousands of people seeking employment, housing, and educational …
Category: News
Nov 21 2022
Study: Cannabinoids May Induce Immunogenic Cancer Cell Death
Cannabinoids may induce immunogenic cell death indicating they may be useful in combatting cancer. This is according to a new study being published in the upcoming issue of the peer-reviewed journal Cannabis and Cannabinoids Research. The study was epublished by the National Institute of Health, and “is the first demonstration that cannabinoids can induce the …
Nov 20 2022
Study: Oral Cannabinoid Therapy Safe and Effective Against Treatment Refractory Chronic Pain
Oral cannabinoid therapy seems to be safe and at least mildly effective in patients with treatment refractory chronic pain, according to a new European Journal of Pain study. “Cannabinoids are considered a therapeutic option to patients suffering from treatment refractory chronic pain (TRCP) insufficiently relieved by conventional analgesics or experiencing intolerable adverse events (AEs) from …
Nov 18 2022
President Biden Will Sign Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Act Into Law
On Wednesday the U.S. Senate passed the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act, making it the first standalone piece of marijuana legislation to ever reach the president’s desk. Now the White House says President Biden will soon sign it into law. H.R. 8454 passed the Senate on Wednesday and passed the House of Representatives …
Nov 18 2022
Study: Terpene-Enriched CBD May Help to Treat Autism Spectrum Disorder
Cannabidiol (CBD) enriched with terpenes may provide a safe and effective treatment option for autism spectrum disorder and is more effectice than CBD alone. This is according to a case report study being published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology and epublished by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. “Cannabidiol (CBD) rich products are successfully …
Nov 17 2022
Study: Marijuana Legalization “Not Associated With Variations in Index Crime Rates”
Legalizing recreational marijuana at the state level doesn’t have a significant impact on crime rates, according to a new study published in the Journal of Drug Issues. For the study researchers affiliated with the University of Colorado and Boise State University compared crime data in Colorado and Washington – the first two states to legalize marijuana …
Nov 16 2022
U.S. Senate Passes Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act, Sends it to President Biden
The Senate today passed the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act, which would expand research into marijuana-derived medications. H.R. 8454 passed the House of Representatives in July by an overwhelming vote of 325 to 95. The measure now goes to the desk of President Biden, who is expected to quickly sign it into law. …
Nov 15 2022
Kentucky Governor Signs Executive Order to Relax Medical Marijuana Ban
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear on Tuesday signed an executive order to allow medical marijuana patients to legally possess medical marijuana properly purchased in another state. The order to relax the state’s prohibition on medical marijuana, which was previously illegal in all instances, was signed earlier today by Governor Beshear. The move allows those who properly …
Nov 14 2022
Administration of THC “Promotes Significant Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury”, Finds Study
According to a study epublished by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “administration of the phytocannabinoid Δ9THC promotes significant recovery from TBI (traumatic brain injury).” Conducted by researchers at the University of South Florida and the James Haley VA Medical Center, the study was published in a recent issue of the peer-reviewed journal Cannabis and …
Nov 13 2022
Study: THC is Effective in Reducing Chemotherapeutic Induced Neuropathic Pain
A new study conducted by researchers at the Penn State College of Medicine has found that while CBD alone is not incredibly effective at treating neuropathic pain, it is effective when mixed with THC, and THC is effective when administered by itself. Published by the journal Biomedicines, the full text of the study can be found …