In Montana, $26 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in May

In May Montana marijuana sales passed $26 million for just the fourth time.

According to data released by the Montana Cannabis Control Division, there was a total of $26,096,828 in legal marijuana sold in May. This includes dried marijuana flower as well as marijuana products such as edibles, tinctures, concentrates and topicals.

In May medical marijuana patients purchased $5,288,730 worth of product, a slight decrease from the $5,443,376 sold in April. However, the $20,808,098 in recreational marijuana purchased in May is an increase from the $20,373,979 sold in April.
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Nevada Governor Signs Bill Increasing Marijuana Possession Limit By 250%

Nevada legislation that will drastically increase the possession limit for legal marijuana and marijuana concentrates has been signed into law by Governor Joe Lombardo.

Senate Bill 277 has been signed into law after passing the Assembly 28 to 14, and passing the Senate 14 to 6.

The new law increases the possession limit for dried marijuana from one ounce, to 2.5 ounces. It also doubles the limit for concentrates from one-eight of an ounce to one-fourth of an ounce. In addition, the law allows dispensaries to obtain dual licenses, allowing them to sell to both medical patients and recreational consumers.
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Vermont Governor Allows Medical Marijuana Reform Bill to Become Law Without Signature

Vermont Governor Phil Scott has allowed to become law a bill that alters the state’s medical marijuana laws, including doubling the allowed THC content.

Governor Scott chose to neither veto House Bill 270, or sign it into law. With the deadline for the governor to decide now passed, the measure has become law without an executive signature.

Under the new law the maximum amount of THC allowed in packaged marijuana products is increased from 50 mg to 100 mg. The law also alters the number of plants a medical marijuana patient can grow for personal use from a total of nine to a total of 18, six of which can be mature.
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NCAA Committee Calls for Marijuana to be Removed From Athletes’ Banned Drug List and Testing Protocols

The NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports has signaled its support for removing cannabis from the Association’s banned drug list and testing protocols.

According to a press release, the committee will gather input from the membership this summer, with final action expected in the fall.

This issue was referred to the committee, which met in Indianapolis this week, by Divisions II and III. Those divisions asked CSMAS to further consider the Association’s cannabis policy and whether NCAA drug testing should be limited to performance-enhancing substances.
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Louisiana Governor Signs Marijuana Expungement Bill Into Law, Goes Into Effect August 1

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has signed into law a bill that will allow for the quick expungement (removal from records) of convictions related to marijuana possession.

House Bill 286 allows those with a misdemeanor conviction for marijuana possession to file a motion to expunge the charge 90 days following their conviction. First-time offenders would be exempt from processing fees.

Under current law a person may file a motion to expunge his record of arrest and conviction of a misdemeanor offense if the conviction “was set aside and prosecution was dismissed”, or if more than “five years have elapsed since the person completed any sentence, deferred adjudication, or period of probation and parole, and the person has not been convicted of any felony offense during such period, and has no felony charge pending against him.”
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Michigan Senate Votes to Allow Marijuana Agreements With Indian Tribes, Exempt Them From Taxes

Michigan’s full Senate has given approval to legislation that would allow the state to enter into agreements with Indian tribes while exempting them from the state’s marijuana excise tax.

The Senate voted 29 to 9 to pass Senate Bill 180, filed by Republican Senator Roger Hauck along with six Democrat cosponsors. The proposal would “allow the Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) to enter into an agreement with an Indian tribe pertaining to marijuana related business”, and would “specify that sales of marijuana by a tribal marijuana business on Indian lands would be exempt from the State’s 10% excise tax on marijuana.”

SB 180 now goes to the House of Representatives. Proposal in that chamber would send the measure to the desk of Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
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Study: Medical Cannabis Products Associated With “Clinically Significant Improvements in Anxiety”

The prescribed use of cannabis-based medicinal products for those with generalized anxiety disorder “is associated with clinically significant improvements in anxiety with an acceptable safety profile in a real-world setting.”

This is according to a study published in the journal Psychopharmacology and epublished online by the National Institute of Health. The study was conducted by researchers at Imperial College London, King’s College London, London’s Global University and Sapphire Medical Clinics.”

“Cannabis-based medicinal products (CBMPs) have been identified as novel therapeutics for generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) based on pre-clinical models; however, there is a paucity of high-quality evidence on their effectiveness and safety”, states the study’s abstract. “This study aimed to evaluate the clinical outcomes of patients with GAD treated with dried flower, oil-based preparations, or a combination of both CBMPs.”
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Study: Prenatal Marijuana Exposure Not Associated With Neuropsychological Deficits at Age 10 and 20

According to a study published in the journal Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, infants exposed to marijuana in utero “did not perform worse on neuropsychological assessments than unexposed children at ages 10 and [again at ages] 19 to 20”.

For the study researchers “evaluated the association between prenatal marijuana exposure (PME) and neuropsychological test scores in late childhood and early adulthood, accounting for a wide range of parental characteristics.” The study was conducted by researchers at Columbia University in New York and the University of Western Australia.

The study evaluated participants from the Raine Study, a cohort of 2,868 children born between 1989 and 1992. Children whose mothers provided information on marijuana use during pregnancy were included, and the “primary outcome was the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF) at age 10.”
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Arkansas Judge Voids 27 Medical Marijuana Laws Passed by Legislature

A Pulaski County Circuit Court judge has nullified 27 different medical marijuana laws and regulations that were passed by the Arkansas General Assembly since 2017.

Judge Morgan “Chip” Welch ruled that in passing the 27 laws that altered the state’s medical marijuana program, the legislature took unconstitutional actions that are not legally valid. Some of those laws include a limit on the amount of THC in medical marijuana products and limits on marijuana advertising. Judge Welch ruled that all 27 laws are now “void”.

The ruling stemmed from a case brought forward by Good Day Farm Arkansas, LLC, a medical marijuana cultivator, and Capital City Medicinal, LLC, a medical marijuana dispensary. The companies argued that the legislature overstepped their bounds when they changed the voter-approved law without seeking voter input.
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Rhode Island Senate Committee Passes House-Approved Marijuana Advertising Bill

A key Senate committee in Rhode Island has given approval to legislation that would allow local marijuana businesses to advertise their products and services, something that is currently prohibited.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted yesterday to pass House Bill 5829, a little over a month after the House of Representatives passed it in a unanimous 67 to 0 vote. The measure, filed by State Representative Scott A. Slater, will need to be passed by the full Senate before it can be sent to Governor Daniel McKee for consideration.

Under current law out-of-state marijuana businesses are allowed to advertise their services in Rhode Island (those who live in the state have probably noticed numerous billboards along the highway for Massachusetts-based marijuana stores). However, the law prohibits local marijuana stores and dispensaries that are located within Rhode Island from placing such ads. House Bill 5829 would change this by explicitly giving local marijuana businesses permission to advertise.
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