Texas House Approves Decriminalizing Marijuana and Marijuana Concentrates

A bill to decriminalize marijuana possession and marijuana concentrates has received approval by the Texas House of Representatives.

The Texas House has passed House Bill 218 through its second reading. Filed by State Representative Joe Moody, the measure would remove criminal penalties for the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana or marijuana concentrates such as hash and oil.

The bill would not legalize marijuana, but those caught with up to an ounce would, at most, be given a fine of up to $500 with no possibility of jail time. A similar measure was passed by the House in 2019 and 2021, but both efforts failed in the Senate. Proponents of the measure are optimistic that rapidly shifting public opinion will lead the Senate to act on the measure this year. Governor Greg Abbott has also expressed support for the bill.
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MN: House-Approved Marijuana Legalization Bill Passed by Committee, Sent to Senate Floor

A day after HF 100 to legalize marijuana was approved by Minnesota’s full House of Representatives 71 to 59, the Senate Finance Committee passed the bill, sending it to the Senate floor.

Rather than taking up SF 73, which is the companion bill to HF 100, the Senate Finance Committee voted on and passed the House-approved HF 100. This sends it to the Senate floor, with a vote scheduled for Friday. If the measure passes the Senate, and the two chambers concur on amendments, it will be sent to Governor Tim Walz for consideration.

HF 100 would legalize the possession of up to two ounces of marijuana for those 21 and older, while also allowing them to cultivate up to eight marijuana plants.
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Founder of Keurig Joins Marijuana Company Making Single-Serve and Preloaded Bowls

The founder of Keurig Peter Dragone has joined the executive team of Convenient Cannabis.

Puffsy Pods.

Puffsy Pods.

Convenient Cannabis is a Kentucky-based startup who makes Puffsy pods, which are single-serve glass pods that are preloaded with cannabis and fit most standard bongs and pipes. The company plans to soon launch its first round of funding. Puffsy Pods launched last month in California.

The hiring of Dragone was announced by Convenient Cannabis CEO and Founder Zechariah Corcimiglia, who notes that Dragone is not an investor in the company, says he will serve as the CFO and strategic adviser for the company.
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Report: Gobal Recreational Marijuana Market Valued at $20 Billion, to Grow to $123 Billion by 2032

The global market for legal recreational market was valued at $20 billion at the end of 2022, and is expected to quintuple by 2032, according to a new report.

(Photo credit: Shutterstock)

The report was conducted by the research firm Brainy Insights, which found that the legal recreational marijuana market is expected to grow from $20 billion in 2022 to $123.83 billion by 2032 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20%.

According to the report, North America is expected to rise the fastest during the forecast period. In 2022, the edibles segment led the market with the plurality of market share at 25% and market revenue of $5 billion. The “CBD dominant segment” accounted for the largest market share, with 43% and a market revenue of $8.60 billion.
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Minnesota Marijuana Legalization Bill Passed by Full House of Representatives

A Minnesota bill to legalize recreational marijuana has been passed by the state’s full House of Representatives by a vote of 71 to 59.

The House’s approval of HF 100 comes after the measure was passed through 15 different committees. A companion bill in the Senate (SF 73) has been passed by nearly as many committees, with the Finance Committee serving as the last stop before it can be considered by the full chamber.

Although the two measures differ slightly due to committee amendments, both would legalize the possession of up to two ounces of marijuana and the personal cultivation of up to eight marijuana plants for those who are at least 21 years old. Marijuana and marijuana products would be sold through licensed marijuana retail outlets, with regulations and licensing overseen by a newly created Office of Cannabis Management.
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Bipartisan Maine Bill Would Legalize Marijuana Delivery Services, Allow Marijuana Advertisements

Legislation filed last week by Maine Representative David Boyer would legalize marijuana delivery services and would allow marijuana companies to advertise under the same rules as alcohol products.

According to the official summary of HP 1079, it “allows adult use cannabis and cannabis product stores, certain cultivators and products manufacturers to operate a delivery service to commercial locations, including locations operated as short-term rental properties”.

The proposal also “allows an adult use cannabis and cannabis product licensee to advertise, market and display signs promoting the licensee’s business and products in a manner no more restricted than the sale or promotion of alcohol, tobacco products or prescription drugs is restricted. This bill allows signs for adult use cannabis and adult use cannabis products on the exterior of motor vehicles.”
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Study: Chronic CBD Use Reduces Blood Pressure in Those With Hypertension

According to a randomized, placebo-controlled study, “chronic administration of CBD reduces ambulatory blood pressure in those with untreated and treated hypertension.” In addition, a “lack of serious AEs (adverse effects) implies safety and tolerability”.

The study was conducted by researchers at the University Hospital of Split and the University of Split School of Medicine, both in Croatia. It’s being published in the upcoming issue of the peer-reviewed journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, with the abstract published ahead of print by the US National Library of Medicine.

The primary aim of this randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled, and crossover study “was to examine the influence of chronic CBD on 24-h ambulatory BP [blood pressure] and arterial stiffness in hypertensive patients.”
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Nevada Assembly Passes Resolution Urging Feds to Deschedule Marijuana

Nevada’s full Assembly has overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling on the federal government to remove marijuana from the list of controlled substances.

Nevada Assembly Joint Resolution 8 was passed today by a vote of 37 to 5, sending it to the Senate for consideration. The resolution was filed by State Representative Reuben D’Silva along with a bipartisan coalition of 35 cosponsors.

“[T]he members of the 82nd Session of the Nevada Legislature hereby urge Congress to support legislation to remove cannabis from schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act”, states the resolution.
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Study Finds CBD Prevents Osteoporosis in an Animal Model and Increases Cell Viability and Proliferation

The marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD) may be useful for those with osteoporosis, according to a new study.

(Photo Credit: Tinnakorn Jorruang/Getty Images Plus)

The study is being published in the journal Calcified Tissue International, and it was epublished online ahead of print by the National Library of Medicine, with the title Non-psychoactive Cannabidiol Prevents Osteoporosis in an Animal Model and Increases Cell Viability, Proliferation, and Osteogenic Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Stem and Progenitor Cells.

“CBD is marketed as a potential therapeutic agent and has been studied for its roles in reducing inflammation and managing neuropathic pain”, states the study’s abstract. “Some studies have reported that CB1 and CB2 receptor activation can attenuate and reverse bone loss in experimental animal models. Despite this, little is known about the impact of CBD on fracture healing.
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Study: Worms Get the Munchies From Marijuana Just Like Humans

According to a new study published in the journal Current Biology, cannabinoids give worms the munchies just as they do humans.

“Cannabinoids make nematodes [roundworms] hungrier for their favored foods and less hungry for their non-favored foods,” said study co-author Shawn Lockery in a press release. “Thus, the effects of cannabinoids in nematodes parallels the effects of marijuana on human appetites.”

Lockery notes that “Nematodes diverged from the lineage leading to mammals more than 500 million years ago. It is truly remarkable that the effects of cannabinoids on appetite are preserved through this length of evolutionary time.”
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