Anthony Martinelli

Anthony Martinelli is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Marijuana Herald, a daily marijuana news and information website that launched in 2018. You can reach Anthony at [email protected].

Author's posts

North Carolina Legislation Filed to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Legislation to legalize recreational marijuana was filed today in the North Carolina House of Representatives. House Bill 626 was filed by State Representative Johnnie Autry along with three cosponsors – Representatives Kelly Alexander, Mary Harrison and Zack Forde-Hawkins. The law would allow those 21 and older to possess up to two ounces of marijuana flower, …

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Minnesota Marijuana Legalization Bill Passed by 15th House Committee, Sent to Full House

Minnesota legislation to legalize recreational marijuana is finally heading to the House floor after being approved by its 15th committee. Today the House Ways and Means Committee approved House Bill 100 on a voice vote, making it the 15th House committee to do so. This finally sends it to the House floor, where it is …

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Australia: 37% Have Tried Marijuana, Legalizing It Would Save $1.2 Billion Annually

If Australia were to legalize marijuana they would save $1.2 billion each year, which doesn’t account for the potential billions that could be made in new taxes. This is according to the Cannabis in Australia report by Penington Institute. The report also found that more than a third of Australians aged over 14 have used …

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Maine Marijuana Prices Down Nearly 50% Since 2020

The cost of legal marijuana has seen a substantial drop since the start of legal sales in 2020. According to data compiled and released by the Maine Office of Cannabis Policy, the average price of marijuana throughout the state as of the end of March was $8.04. This marks a 49% decrease from the average …

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A Study Found Infants With Marijuana in Their System Had Drastically Decreased Mortality Rates

In the biggest study of its kind, published in the journal PediatricsĀ (the official journal of theĀ American Academy of Pediatrics), infants that tested positive for marijuana had a massive decrease in their likelihood of early mortality. In the study of 2,964 infants, those that were drug-negative had an average mortality rate of 15.7 deaths per 1,000 …

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Colorado House Approves Measure to Allow Online Marijuana Sales and Deliveries

Colorado legislation to allow marijuana stores to sell marijuana and marijuana products online, while also allowing them to deliver it, has been passed by the state’s House of Representatives. According to the official summary of House Bill 1279, “Current law prohibits a licensed retail marijuana store from selling retail marijuana or retail marijuana products over …

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Report Finds Portland, Oregon is America’s Best City for Marijuana, Followed by Denver and Buffalo

According to a new report Portland, Oregon is America’s most cannabis-friendly city, followed by Denver, Colorado and Buffalo, New York. The report, conducted by Real Estate Witch (an online publication from Clever Real Estate) and Leafly, analyzed various criteria including the legality of marijuana, dispensary data, marijuana prices, and more in order to determine the …

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Washington State Magic Mushrooms Bill Sent to Governor

Psilocybin ("magic") mushrooms.

Legislation to establish a psilocybin taskforce and pilot program has officially been sent to Washington State Governor Jay Inslee. Washington’s House of Representatives voted earlier this week to pass Senate Bill 5263, with it having already passed the Senate. However, amendments made in the House created a need for the Senate to give the measure …

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Study: Marijuana Improves Pain Scores and Health-Related Quality of Life in Those With Chronic, Refractory Pain

Medical marijuana was observed to “improve pain intensity scores and HRQoL [health-related quality of life] outcomes in patients with chronic, refractory pain” in a new study published by the British Journal of Pain. Conducted by researchers at the University of Sydney and Westmead Hospital (both in Australia), the objective of the study was to “examine …

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Delaware Lawmakers “100% Confident” Enough Votes to Override Potential Marijuana Legalization Veto

Delaware House Bill 1 was delivered to Governor Carney on April 11, with House Bill 2 being delivered tomorrow. The governor has 10 days from the day they reach his desk to determine his approach. Although there is fear the governor may veto the measures, Senator Trey Paradee, the bills’ prime sponsor in the Senate, …

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