Those who consume marijuana have “healthier inflammatory cytokine profile, better insulin sensitivity, and higher levels of physical activity than nonusers,” all of which can be linked lower diabetes, according to an ongoing clinical trial presented at the 2024 annual American Diabetes Association 84th Scientific Sessions.
In the findings from the ongoing SONIC trial, first reported by Medscape, Angela Bryan, PhD, professor and codirector of CUChange at the University of Colorado, and her colleagues hypothesized that “those inflammatory profiles would improve over the course of 4 weeks, particularly for those using a CBD as opposed to a THC product.”
The SONIC study involved regular cannabis users with an average age of 30 and a healthy body mass index (BMI). The study group was predominantly White (86%) and male (59%). These participants were matched with a similar group who had not used cannabis for at least a year. At baseline, the overall NSDR Healthy Eating Index score for participants was 51.24, indicating a “need for improvement/poor diet.”
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