Anthony Martinelli

Anthony Martinelli is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Marijuana Herald, a daily marijuana news and information website that launched in 2018. You can reach Anthony at [email protected].

Author's posts

North Carolina Legislation to Decriminalize Marijuana and Hash Passed Through First Reading in Senate

North Carolina Senate Bill 705 would decriminalize the possession of up to 1.5 ounces of marijuana and allow for automatic expungements. Filed by Senator Mujtaba Mohammed along with four cosponsors, the measure – titled the Equity in Justice Act of 2023 – has been passed through its first reading and assigned to the Senate Rules …

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Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Passed Through Final Reading in Texas House, Sent to Senate

Yesterday a Texas measure to decriminalize the possession of marijuana and marijuana concentrates was passed by the House of Representatives through its second reading. Today, the House passed the bill through its third and final reading, officially sending it to the Senate. The final vote on House Bill 218 was 87 to 59. This sends …

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New Mexico Breaks Monthly Record With $47 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in March

There was more legal marijuana sold in New Mexico in March than in any month prior according to data released by the New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department. In March New Mexico consumers purchased $47,759,256 in legal marijuana and marijuana products. $32,359,270 of this was from recreational marijuana sales, with the remaining $15,399,985 coming from …

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Study of 183 Million People Finds Marijuana Does Not Increase Stroke or Heart Attack Risk

(Photo credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

According to a new meta-analysis of over 183 million people the risk of adverse cardiovascular events including myocardial infraction (heart attack) and stroke “does not exhibit a significant increase with cannabis exposure”. The study was published by the journal Toxicology Reports, and is titled Cannabis and Adverse Cardiovascular Events: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of …

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Colorado Governor Announces Statewide Cannabis Loan Program

On Monday Colorado Governor Jared Polis and the Cannabis Business Office (CBO) announced the Cannabis Business Loan Program for social equity licensed cannabis businesses in Colorado. The CBO (a department within the Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade), has partnered with mission-based lender NuProject to provide financing that is not otherwise available to …

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Georgia’s First Medical Marijuana Dispensaries to Open Within Days

The regulatory body overseeing Georgia’s medical marijuana program has issued five licenses to medical marijuana dispensaries, allowing them to open within days. Georgia officials today issued licenses for marijuana dispensaries in Macon, Marietta, Pooler and Savannah. “It’s an understatement to say that significant progress has been made in getting safe and secure medication to certified …

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Montana Legislature Passes Bill to Alter How Marijuana Tax Revenue is Used

A measure to reappropriate some of the revenue generated from marijuana taxes was passed today through its third and final reading in the House of Representatives. Montana’s House of Representatives has passed Senate Bill 442 with a vote of 82 to 17. The vote comes a few weeks after it was passed by the Senate, …

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Texas House Approves Decriminalizing Marijuana and Marijuana Concentrates

A bill to decriminalize marijuana possession and marijuana concentrates has received approval by the Texas House of Representatives. The Texas House has passed House Bill 218 through its second reading. Filed by State Representative Joe Moody, the measure would remove criminal penalties for the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana or marijuana concentrates …

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MN: House-Approved Marijuana Legalization Bill Passed by Committee, Sent to Senate Floor

A day after HF 100 to legalize marijuana was approved by Minnesota’s full House of Representatives 71 to 59, the Senate Finance Committee passed the bill, sending it to the Senate floor. Rather than taking up SF 73, which is the companion bill to HF 100, the Senate Finance Committee voted on and passed the …

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Founder of Keurig Joins Marijuana Company Making Single-Serve and Preloaded Bowls

The founder of Keurig Peter Dragone has joined the executive team of Convenient Cannabis. Convenient Cannabis is a Kentucky-based startup who makes Puffsy pods, which are single-serve glass pods that are preloaded with cannabis and fit most standard bongs and pipes. The company plans to soon launch its first round of funding. Puffsy Pods launched …

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